General Education Transfer Courses

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It is the policy of Wichita State University (WSU) to accept all credits – with the exception of remedial coursework – earned at an accredited post-secondary institution. Each academic college or department within WSU determines how those credits apply toward a particular degree program. Sometimes there can be a significant difference between what transfers and what counts toward a degree, especially if the courses are vocational in nature.

WSU has very specific General Education requirements.  (

Division General Education Designation
A = Fine Arts and Humanities A3= Fine Arts Gen Ed
  A5 = Humanities Gen Ed
B = Social and Behavioral Sciences B5 = Soc/Behav Gen Ed
C = Mathematics and Natural Sciences C5 =  Math/Nat Science Gen Ed

To lookup the WSU equivalency for a transfer course:

  1. Select the Name of the transfer institution.
  2. Select an individual Subject area abbreviation or * All Subjects *.


To view the results, select either HTML/Excel or PDF and click the Submit button.

Course information for Kansas colleges and universities is extensive. The information for other colleges is limited to those courses that have previously appeared on a WSU transfer student’s transcript. If a transfer course is not listed, it is because a student has not yet transferred that course to WSU.

A transfer course that has a WSU equivalency course number of 2000, 4000, 6000, or 8000 is counted as an elective. Some courses with a specific WSU equivalent course will also only count as an elective, depending upon the student’s program at WSU. The number of elective hours that count toward a degree can vary from 3 to 40, depending upon the academic college or department’s program.

Effective Term Column

The effective term column indicates the last term a course was reviewed for transfer to Wichita State University. A course is reviewed because it is a newly offered course or due to changes in course structure.


What if my course or school is missing from the list?

That does not necessarily mean that the course does not transfer or that Wichita State University does not accept credits from that school. It does mean that we have not had a request to transfer the particular course from that Institution.

Tip: If the course is not listed in the drop down list, select * All Courses *. Some courses must be taken with one or more other classes in order to count as a transfer course.

Additional questions?

New incoming freshman - contact the Wichita State University Office of Admissions during regular business hours.

316-978-3085 1-800-362-2594

Current/former WSU students - contact the Registrar's Office during regular business hours.
