Travel Process
Will you be traveling, relocating, or working for more than 21 days outside of the state or country?
Help Code: W8
Please submit a remote work request located here:.
Help Code: Z9
Is the reason for your travel related to WSU business, WSU research, or WSU information?
Help Code: A49
Are you traveling internationally (leaving the United States)?
Help Code: A48
Complete both pre-travel authorization in Chrome River and the International Travel Form. Both forms are required prior to travel.
Chrome River:
International Travel Form:
Help Code: S1
Complete pre-travel authorization in Chrome River.
Chrome River:
Help Code: S2
Are you receiving any compensation or fringe benefits during or as a result of this travel and/or collaboration (e.g., honoraria, bursaries, gifts, meals, etc.) from any non-WSU entity, foreign or domestic?
Help Code: K91
Are you traveling internationally (leaving the United States)?
Help Code: K94
Are you taking any WSU-owned assets or equipment (such as WSU-owned laptops or lab equipment) or planning on accessing any WSU-related services (such as WSU e-mail or VPN network access)?
Help Code: K97
Are you traveling internationally (leaving the United States)?
Help Code: K99
No requirements to submit any pre-travel requirements. Enjoy your trip.
Help Code: S3
Complete the Personal International Travel Request
Help Code: S4