Course Schedule Search
Please select a subject from the drop down list.
Spring 2025
All Subjects
Accounting (ACCT)
Aerospace Engineering (AE)
American Sign Language (ASL)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Applied Computing (AC)
Applied Engineering (APEN)
Applied Learning - Business (ALBA)
Applied Learning - Honors (ALHN)
Applied Learning - ID (ALID)
Applied Studies (CAS)
Arabic (ARAB)
Art Education (ARTE)
Art Foundation (ARTF)
Art History (ARTH)
Biology (BIOL)
Biomedical Engineering (BME)
Business Administration (BADM)
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Business Law (BLAW)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Chinese (CHIN)
Cnsl, Ed Ldrs, Ed and Schl Psy (CLES)
Communication (COMM)
Communication Sciences and Dis (CSD)
Computer Science (CS)
Counseling and School Psy (CESP)
Criminal Justice (CJ)
Curric and Instr Physical Educ (CIPE)
Curriculum and Instruction (CI)
Dance (DANC)
Decision Sciences (DS)
Dental Hygiene (DH)
Earth Environ Phys Sciences (EEPS)
Economics (ECON)
Educational Leadership (EL)
Electrical and Computer Engr (ECE)
Engineering (ENGR)
English (ENGL)
Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
Ethnic Studies (ETHS)
Executive MBA (EMBA)
Finance (FIN)
Fine Arts (FA)
First-Year Seminar APEN (FYAP)
First-Year Seminar ART (FYAR)
First-Year Seminar BIOL (FYBI)
First-Year Seminar CAS (FYAS)
First-Year Seminar CJ (FYCJ)
First-Year Seminar COMM (FYCM)
First-Year Seminar ENGL (FYEN)
First-Year Seminar HIST (FYHS)
First-Year Seminar ID (FYID)
First-Year Seminar ISME (FYIM)
First-Year Seminar MCLL (FYML)
First-Year Seminar MGMT (FYMG)
First-Year Seminar MLS (FYMS)
First-Year Seminar MUS (FYMU)
First-Year Seminar PERF (FYPF)
First-Year Seminar PHS (FYPH)
First-Year Seminar POLS (FYPS)
First-Year Seminar SED (FYED)
First-Year Seminar WEIS (FYWS)
Forensic Science (FS)
French (FREN)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
German (GERM)
Graphic Design (ARTG)
Health Professions (HP)
Health Sciences (HS)
History (HIST)
Homeland Security (HLS)
Honors (HNRS)
Hospitality (HSP)
Human Performance Studies (HPS)
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Ind and Manuf Engr (IME)
Innovation Design (ID)
Intensive English (IE)
International Business (IB)
Interv Servs and Ldrshp in Ed (ISLE)
Japanese (JAPN)
LA Interdisciplinary (LASI)
Latin (LATN)
Leadership (LEAD)
Linguistics (LING)
Management (MGMT)
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Marketing (MKT)
Master Business Administration (MBA)
Mathematics (MATH)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Media Arts (MART)
Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS)
Military Science (MILS)
Modern Classical Lang and Lit (MCLL)
Music Applied (MUSA)
Music Education (MUSE)
Music Performance (MUSP)
Musicology Composition (MUSC)
Nursing (NURS)
Personal Computing (PC)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Physician Associate (PA)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (POLS)
Psychology (PSY)
Public Administration (PADM)
Public Health Science (PHS)
Real Estate (RE)
Religion (REL)
Russian (RUSS)
Social Work (SCWK)
Sociology (SOC)
Spanish (SPAN)
Special Education (SPED)
Sport Management (SMGT)
Statistics (STAT)
Studio Art (ARTS)
TA Paths, Literacy and Spec Ed (TALS)
Teacher Apprentice Program (TAP)
Theatre (THEA)
Womens Studies (WOMS)
Advanced Search
Class Status:
Course Level:
Class Start Time
Morning(6AM - 11:59AM)
Afternoon (12PM - 3:59PM)
Evening (4PM - 8PM)
Day(s) of the Week
Course Number
Credit Hour
0 Credits
1 Credits
2 Credits
3 Credits
4 Credits
5 Credits
6+ Credits
Class Location
Main Campus
WSU Haysville
WSU Old Town
WSU South
WSU West
McConnell Air Force Base
Other Locations
Part of Term
Full Term
First Half Term
Second Half Term
Other Parts of Term
General Education
All General Edu Levels
Foundation Course
First-Year Seminar
Fine Arts Course
Humanities Course
Social/Behav Sci Course
Math/Nat Sci Course
Course Type
Individual Research
Activity Course
Appointment Course
Course Attributes
Includes Diversity Content
Utilizes Supplemental Instruction
Open Alt Textbook - Low Cost
Open Alt Textbook - Zero Cost
Honors Program Course
Includes Service Learning
Access Now Course
LAS Competencies
LAS Cultural Literacy Competency
LAS Civic Response Competency
LAS Oral Comm Competency
LAS Quant Literacy Competency
LAS Scientific Reas Competency
LAS Textual Analys Competency
LAS Techno Literacy Competency
LAS Written Comm Competency
LAS World Language Competency
This course search can be used to query the offerings of Wichita State University for the selected term.
This search is not connected to the registration system. The user should record the CRN of courses in which they are interested in so they can be entered in the registration system.
Students can also use the Banner search inside the secure myWSU portal.
Your search can be narrowed by selecting filters within the search block to the left.
Most searches require at least one subject to be selected.
Searches that can be performed without a Subject filter are General Education, Course Number, Course Attributes, and Class Start Time.
Some filters use "or" logic while others use "and". Selecting multiple days of the week will show you any course that has that day of the week, e.g., selecting Monday will return classes meeting Monday, Mon/Wed, Mon/Wed/Fri, etc. Selecting multiple attributes will only return classes that have ALL of those attributes.
Click here for more information on the codes you will find within the search results